Fairfax House Fairfax House in Castlegate can be dated back to the 1750s when it was under the ownership of Joseph Marsh. However, it is better known as the home of Charles Gregory, the last Viscount of Fairfax, who moved from London to York in the late 1750s. After buying the house he set about remodelling it for his daughter Anne. By using the best architects and craftsmen he created a magnificent home. But over the following centuries this fine example of Georgian craftsmanship was neglected and misused. It finally became a club and dancehall when it was taken over by St George`s Hall Cinema Company in 1919. This company went into receivership in the late 1960s and ownership passed to York City Council. Fifteen years later, the Council sold the property to York Civic Trust who, at great cost,restored the building to it`s former glory. Eminent Yorkshire architect Francis Johnson conducted the restoration. The house has been exquisitely furnished with items which were bequeathed by York Civic Trust by Noel Terry, the great grandson of Joseph Terry, founder of the world famous confectionery business.